The Heart of The Mount:
What is a Christian? The day and age in which we find ourselves is becoming increasingly more confusing to define what exactly is a Christian. You may define a Christian as, “someone who has placed their faith and trust in Jesus.” As the logic follows, of course, we must then define the terms,” faith” and “trust.” Or possibly you would define a Christian as, “someone who is a disciple of Jesus.” Once again, we must ask in response, “What is a disciple?” It’s not as simple as it seems on the surface.
Considering how confused our culture is about defining what a Christian is, and namely it comes from the confusion defining who Jesus is, we want to be extremely clear on what it means to be a Christian. Here at The Mount, we are committed to following Jesus together.
Our hope, no matter where you presently find yourself in relationship to Jesus, is to help you take your next step of obedience. We believe there are foundational spiritual rhythms to be demonstrated in the lives of those who are Christians. These spiritual rhythms are given to us in Scripture, sometimes they’re prescribed, “Do this, don’t do that.” Sometimes they’re descriptive, in the sense that we get a picture, or we see a pattern, revealed to us in the Bible to see what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Regardless of whether it’s prescriptive or descriptive, we invite you to join us in the joy-filled life of Following Jesus Together.
This life-long pursuit will affect three spheres of our lives as we learn what it means to:
Be with Jesus.
Being with Jesus focuses on enjoying your relationship with God.
Become like Jesus.
Becoming like Jesus is to cultivate the heart of Jesus.
Do what Jesus did.
Doing what Jesus did is to participate in the works that God has established for us to spread the gospel here, near, and far.
A snapshot of these foundational rhythms:
Be With Jesus
The Word
Confession & Repentance
A Praying Life
Identity in Christ
Become Like Jesus
Holy Obedience
Count the Cost
Do What Jesus Did
Be Prepared
Eternal Perspective
Give it Away
Bear Fruit
Gospel & Story
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We understand visiting a new church can be difficult, and you may have more questions. We would love to help answer those for you.