Women’s Ministry
“So that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior. ”
Contact: women@themount.church
🌸 Sisterhood in Bloom: Bloom Uniquely 🌸
Friday, April 25 | 6:30 p.m. | Student Center
There’s a kind of joy that only blossoms in the presence of God and the company of sisters.
This is your invitation to experience that kind of night.
Join us for dinner and an evening crafted to awaken the unique beauty of God's work in you. Through heartfelt worship, an encouraging word from our guest speaker–Robin Cunningham, surprise giveaways, and connection with other sisters in Christ, we’ll celebrate the unique ways God is growing beauty and purpose in every chapter of our lives.
Open to women high school grad and up.
Bring a friend. Leave inspired.
Let’s gather. Let’s grow. Let’s bloom—uniquely.
Have you ever walked through a wilderness season? Do you understand the freedom you have in Christ? We have a bible study for you in 2025 that will help you find hope and truth in God’s word and support from other sisters in Christ for whatever season you are walking through.
In our Adorn groups, our study will help you “discover how the narrative of Exodus is not just a historical study of the people of Israel but ultimately a signpost to Christ and the gospel message.” This is a seven-lesson inductive study spread over 14 weeks to allow time to engage the heart, mind, and hands in community with other sisters on this journey.
Our prayer:
Upon completion of this study, you will be in awe of how God rescues us in Christ and calls us to live beyond our slavery to sin and into freedom in Christ.
These Adorn groups will unite women of different generations, life experiences, and faith walks to share wisdom, prayer, friendship, and love.
These groups will encourage discipleship and adorn the gospel for the glory of God (Titus 2:10).
Time offerings: Monday at 7 p.m. or Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Student Center.
Dates: Jan. 13, 16; 27, 30; Feb. 10, 13; 24, 27; Mar. 10,13; 24,27; April 7, 1

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