Men’s Ministry
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”
— 1 Corinthians 16:13
Contact: men@themount.church
As Christian men, we must operate at high levels. From managing vocational work to complex relational dynamics, we are called to operate in truth and love. Our men's study is geared towards applying truth and love no matter the context. We'll be discussing practical topics like biblical power and authority, how our horizontal relationships affect our vertical relationships, true repentance, how our words matter, what our marriage problems reveal, and a plethora of other practical topics to help you put on the new self that is being renewed after the image of Jesus Christ.
Study Structure:
Our messages will last about 20 minutes. Following, we'll move into group time at the tables where you can engage with the discussion questions together, fostering authenticity, transparency, and vulnerability. This will help us grow in our commitment and accountability to living out the truth in love.