Men’s Ministry


“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”

— 1 Corinthians 16:13

"Kickoff" is a time for the men of The Mount to gather together for some football, food, and fellowship, and to hear the future plans of Men's Ministry for 2025.

Cowboys vs. Lions

When: Sunday, Oct. 13 | 3:00 p.m.

Cost: None

Food: Football Snacks Provided | BYOD—nonalcoholic

Where: Student Center @ The Mount


Our Philosophy

    • The Goal of Men’s Ministry 

      • The Method 

        • To strengthen men spiritually and relationally  

        • Being like Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did  

          • Be kingdom minded (Matt. 6:33) 

          • Build kingdom legacy (2 Tim. 2:1-7)  

          • Godly strength, gospel commitment, share in suffering 

        • Help men cultivate the 18 rhythms (spiritual disciplines) of following Jesus together 

          • Be with Jesus  

            • Awe, The Word, Identity in Christ, Confession & Repentance, a praying life 

          • Become like Jesus  

            • Holy obedience, humility, Love, forgive, gather, Unity, count the cost 

          • Do what Jesus did 

            • Gospel & story, empathy, be prepared, bear fruit, give it away, eternal perspective  

        • The Means 

          • Help Men connect 

          • Help Men grow 

          • Help Men serve  

      • Upcoming Men’s Events

        • Fall event: Cowboys Game with halftime men’s moment

      • Resources

        • We’ll share with updates

The essence of Men's Ministry is to foster a community where men are encouraged to grow in faith and character, drawing inspiration from the life and teachings of Jesus. It's about creating a supportive network that empowers men to pursue spiritual disciplines, build meaningful relationships, and leave a lasting impact on their communities. By focusing on the core aspects of “Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus, and Do what Jesus did,” the ministry aims to cultivate a deep sense of purpose and commitment to the gospel, encouraging men to live out their faith with courage and compassion.

The vision of our Men's Ministry is deeply rooted in the spiritual and relational fortification of its members, drawing inspiration from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The goal is to embolden men with a sense of purpose that transcends the ordinary, urging them to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, as stated in Matthew 6:33. This pursuit involves building a legacy that echoes through time, much like the exhortation found in 2 Timothy 2:1-7, which speaks of strength, commitment to the gospel, and a willingness to partake in suffering for a cause greater than oneself.

To walk this path, men are encouraged to engage in 18 spiritual rhythms that foster a closer relationship with Jesus, leading to a transformation that mirrors His character. These rhythms are not just practices but a way of life that encompasses awe and wonder, immersion in the Scriptures, finding one's identity in Christ, and embracing a lifestyle of confession, repentance, and prayer. The journey continues with the adoption of holy obedience, humility, love, forgiveness, and unity—values that Jesus exemplified in His interactions with others.

Moreover, the ministry emphasizes the importance of 'doing' as Jesus did, which includes sharing the gospel and one's personal story, showing empathy, being prepared for every good work, bearing fruit in keeping with repentance, and generously giving away what has been graciously received, all while maintaining an eternal perspective.

The means to achieve these goals lie in creating avenues for connection, growth, and service among men. By fostering environments where men can connect with one another, they can grow together in their faith and understanding. This growth is not limited to personal development but extends to serving others, reflecting the servant leadership modelled by Jesus. Through such service, men not only demonstrate their commitment to the gospel but also contribute to a legacy that will inspire future generations to continue the work started by those before them. In essence, a Men's Ministry is a journey of becoming, a collective endeavor to embody the principles of Christ and to act upon them in a world that yearns for such examples of godly strength and love.

Please take this brief survey and let us know a bit about you and how we can serve you better.