Worship Arts Ministry
The Mount Worship is a community of servant-leaders who seek to glorify God by rejoicing in the gospel together through song.
God speaks, we respond. The truth of God’s Word informs our worship. It is our goal to leverage every creative element for the worship of our great God. We plan songs, prayers, and Scripture readings that point us to the finished work of Jesus Christ.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God”. (Colossians 3:16)
Worship FAQs
“How do I get involved?”
After completing our volunteer Interest form, you can expect an email or phone call with next steps from the Worship Arts Ministry staff.
“When do we rehearse?”
We generally rehearse on Wednesday nights at 6:00 with an early Sunday morning call time of 7:15, but we will clearly communicate each and every rehearsal to those serving.
“Do I have to serve every Sunday?”
No. Our desire is to allow time for our volunteers to be involved in a Life Group and in the community. We will send service invitations to you through email which you can accept or decline.
“Am I required to audition?”
Yes, all vocalists and musicians must audition.
“I have a question that has not been addressed.”
Please feel free to email us at worship@themount.church, and we will respond in a timely manner.