Group Life
Community Groups are where life and ministry really happen in our church.
Community Groups
Community Groups are committed to following Jesus together as we care for one another by growing spiritually, connecting relationally, and serving intentionally.
At the Mount, gathering small is the foundational way we are committed and devoted to caring for one another by living out the “one anothers” in scripture. This is not limited to a designated group time, but a commitment to “day by day” discipleship and shepherding.
Grow Spiritually
Read and Study God’s word together.
Praying specifically and continually for one another.
Help each other to grow in godly character and the 18 rhythms.
Encouraging one another in spiritual disciplines and personal devotion.
Connect Relationally
Gather regularly to connect and care for one another.
Build trust so each person is known and welcomed by you and each other.
Facilitate authentic, vulnerable, and transparent discussion.
Have fun together, plan social time outside of normal group time.
Stay connected through weekly communication (text, social, phone call).
Serve Intentionally
Time: Serve together at community events each semester (minimum of one).
Talent: Use your gifts to serve the local church and the surrounding community.
Treasure: Share and meet each other’s tangible needs.
We also have Community Groups for children and youth that meet throughout the week. These are great opportunities for our next generation to make friends, connect with each other and grow in Jesus. To learn more, click below.