Joy in Christ

For many of us, the Christmas season is filled with both beauty and burden. While lights twinkle and music fills the air, your heart might feel heavy. Perhaps you’re carrying grief, disappointment, loneliness, or exhaustion as you try to keep up with the demands of the season. If so, you’re not alone. Finding and sustaining joy in the midst of life’s challenges is no small task. 

The angel’s announcement to the shepherds offers us something far greater than temporary cheer or fleeting happiness.  

"But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.'" - Luke 2:10 

It proclaims a great joy that surpasses our circumstances—a joy rooted in Christ himself. The joy of Christ isn’t dependent on how festive or perfect your season feels. It’s the deep, abiding assurance that God is with you, that he loves you, and that his promises are true. Jesus didn’t come to bring fleeting happiness; he came to bring a joy that is eternal, unshakable, and deeply satisfying. 

This kind of joy doesn’t deny the difficulties we face—it meets us in the midst of them. It reminds us that Jesus entered a broken, weary world to bring hope to the hopeless and peace to the restless. His birth wasn’t just a historical moment; it was God’s answer to every longing of the human heart. 

If your joy feels distant this season, don’t lose heart.  

Joy in Christ isn’t something you manufacture; it’s a gift you receive by turning your heart toward him. Take a moment to pause and let the good news of great joy sink in: Christ has come for you. Christ purchased you from the penalty of sin, the power of sin, and the presence of sin for all eternity. Let him fill the empty places, calm the anxious thoughts, and remind you that he is enough. 

What is stealing your joy this season?  

How can you surrender those struggles to Christ and let his joy sustain you? 


Written by: Andy Swart 

Andy Swart has been a member of The Mount since 2019. If he’s not working or spending time with his family, you can find him working on one of his passion projects: garage organization.   



Love In Christ

